Otero Group uno de los patrocinadores de la Gala de la Asociación Española de la Lucha Contra el Cáncer

Otero Group is one of the sponsors of the Spanish Association gala for the Fight Against Cancer

Otero Group is delighted to participate in the Spanish Association Gala for the Fight Against Cancer in Marbella next Saturday, August 6, 2022, at Finca la Concepción.

As in previous years, the collection will be held at the XXXVII Gala Dinner, where all the free programs and services for cancer patients and their families suffering from this disease are carried out: palliative care, psychological and social assistance, physiotherapy, as well as such as prevention campaigns and promoting research projects against cancer.

For this reason, Otero Group has decided to participate in the event as one of the collaborators and with a corporate table. This fight belongs to everyone and we know it.

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