
Learn about some of the ins and outs within the area of ”people and culture” of Otero Group

In these difficult times, we are experiencing, having a value proposition aligned with the interests of the candidates, as well as a good corporate showcase, is key to attracting and retaining talent within our company.


That is why from the beginning we raised the question of what would make the market talent consider us as a reference and attractive company. What could we offer them that our main competitors did not?

In the first place, we set out to align that value proposition with the company’s skills and values through knowledge of the employees’ own experience. Talk about culture, ways of working, opportunities for development, growth, training, and conciliation. For example, some of the aspects we included in this proposal after listening to the concerns of our employees and as a result of this the Loyalty and Talent Acquisition program was born: Otero Family.

Taking advantage of the framework of our 5th Anniversary, five new initiatives were launched to improve our work environment and retain our most important capital: people. At the moment, four of them have been presented and the last one is pending and will come out in the coming months.

At Otero Group we not only want to retain internal talent, but we also set ourselves the goal of improving our environment and retaining our families. With this initiative, open to our people and where all teams, all opinions, contributions, improvements, and projects have a place, we have increased our workforce by 52.5% since March.
We launched our Epreselec selection manager, we worked on the portal and the corporate employment website, and we implemented new communication channels and tools together with the marketing department.

In addition, we constantly work together with the marketing area to have an employment portal rich in content and constantly updated. A simple portal that offers the candidate agility and ease when applying to one of our offers through the number one portal in Spain: Info jobs.

We cannot end this post without telling you about our internal employee portal: Bizneo. This reflects “our essence” and “our value proposition” clearly and
updated, with creative and visual formats that respond to our brand image and, a live bulletin board in which we reflect every one of the actions that we are implementing and in which we are working transversally with other organizational units of the company.

To conclude, we would like to point out that this digital era in which the company is immersed is something of incalculable value since with quality communications we generate trust and implicitly foster the pride of belonging to our partners. We are currently working on the digitalization of the onboarding process through a very visual tool where the participation and collaboration of colleagues are essential for it to be the next successful project that we implement in the area of people & culture.

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