Second measure within the framework of the campaign 5 of 5 “Happy Breakfast”

Second measure within the framework of the campaign 5 of 5 “Happy Breakfast” to celebrate our 5th anniversary

Within the framework of our 5th Anniversary and continuing with our “5 in 5” campaign, the second measure that we present to you for the Otero Group team is “HAPPY BREAKFAST”.

As you will remember, for 5 months, we will promote 5 measures to improve well-being within the work environment, promote knowledge of the company and strengthen ties. This is why both the employees and the collaborators who are part of the Otero Group and its “Otero Family” program are a fundamental part and a key part of the project.

For this measure, our CEO Rubén Otero wanted to get involved personally and is especially excited to share this initiative with you and participate with the aim of making it a complete success, since his main objective is to bring the management of the Otero Group closer to its employees.

This initiative will be carried out quarterly, the first breakfast being in July. During each of the breakfasts, Rubén Otero will personally meet each of the participating employees to talk with them, share experiences, anecdotes, get a feel for their day with the main objective of improving it and knowing its realities. In addition, all participants will receive a small gift as a token of appreciation from our CEO.

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